A lonely dog has been waiting at a shelter for over 7 years and begs for a “second chance”..

There are so many animals at shelters simply waiting for someone to adopt them. However, some animals take longer to be adopted than others.

Unfortunately, many animals wind up waiting years for their forever homes… and beginning to worry whether they’ll ever be able to go. But no matter how old a dog is or how long they’ve been at a shelter, they deserve to be happy.

One shelter is looking for a new home for one of their oldest canines… She uses a single devastating shot to communicate her whole experience.

Ginger is a Labrador retriever mix that lives in Osage Beach, Missouri, near the Lake of the Ozarks. She’s a wonderful dog who enjoys playing… Unfortunately, no one has ever taken her in.

She’s been at Dogwood Animal Shelter for over eight years, sitting in the kennels while other dogs get adopted.

But the shelter is hopeful that someone will take a chance on Ginger after seeing how long she has been waiting:

Ginger appears unhappy in her kennel in a popular image, while a placard outside reveals her story:

“Hi! My name is Ginger. I’ve been here for seven years, nine months, two weeks, and two days. ”

“I’m a nice girl!” I guarantee it! “All I need is a second chance.”

It’s a touching shot that has gained a lot of attention: it’s been shared over 14,000 times in just one day.

Ginger must be the only pet in the home, but she is otherwise simply a nice dog searching for a home. She’ll be eternally grateful to you for giving her the “second opportunity” she’s been waiting for.

We hope Ginger quickly finds a home! If you are interested, you may fill out an application at the Dogwood Animal Shelter or contact them directly!

Let’s find a home for this unfortunate puppy! Share this article to help spread the news!

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