A sick man’s health substantially improves after reconnecting with his beloved dog

Everyone who has ever owned a dog understands that the bond between a dog and its owner may be quite strong. Dogs have long been acknowledged to have a keen understanding of humans.

They can understand what we’re saying and, more crucially, they have an intuition that gives them a better idea of how we’re feeling.

Dogs are always there for you, whether it’s to provide consolation in times of loss or to participate in the celebration in times of delight.

In their golden years, many elderly people depend on their pets for companionship and comfort. For many individuals, their dogs are a lifeline; they offer them a reason to keep going, alleviate loneliness, and may even assist in times of crisis.

For James Wathen, his dog was exactly that, and while he was going through the worst time of his life, he needed his best buddy more than ever.

James was terminally sick in 2014. Baptist Health in Corbin, Kentucky, was treating the 73-year-old male. During his hospital stay, James was separated from his favorite pet, Bubba, a one-eyed Chihuahua.

As a consequence, they both went six weeks without eating.

With James’s condition wreaking havoc on his physical and emotional health, his nurses made it their particular goal to reunite him with the dog who he spoke affectionately of.

Baptist Health nurses assisted in locating him at the Knox Whitley Animal Shelter, where Bubba had been confined after his owner became bedridden. Bubba was in the care of a foster family at the time.

The nurses’ efforts paid off on October 11, 2014, when James was finally reunited with his beloved Bubba in the hospital.

“When Bubba was brought to James, he began to mourn, and then Bubba began to snuggle James,” Knox Whitley Animal Shelter director Deanna Myers said on Facebook. “It also helps you understand that animals are more than simply pets; they are loved ones.”

Bubba’s presence had an instant impact on James.


According to nurses, Wathen seemed to have a fresh feeling of vitality the day following their reunion. He was eating and sitting up in ways he had never done before.

Since James’s beloved pet helped him feel better, Baptist Health in Corbin is doing everything it can to make sure he can see his dog often.

See why in the video below.

Source : https://usarmenia.ru/

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